Fit Plants

BRNO, March 24, 2022 - KetchiGames just released Fit Plants, an app where you grow plants by walking.

Need some motivation to be more active? Fit Plants can help you achieve that with one simple resource: steps. Every step you make if you have your phone (or watch) with you, can be converted to resources which are water and coins. You can create your own greenhouse with various plants just by walking.

You can buy new plants and flowerpots, you can unlock new greenhouse slots and upgrades, you can water your plants to level them up and increase total oxygen production of your greenhouse or you can upgrade your plants to increase their rarities - all of this at your own pace. Do you want to level up your plants faster? Walk more. Do you want to buy the most expensive plants? Walk more. Unlock new greenhouse slots? Walk more. Simple as that.

You can download the app for free from the AppStore.


About KetchiGames

KetchiGames is one man game studio from Czech republic which started in 2014 and operated under name CodeCrypt and released three Android games. Main focus has always been on super simple casual games with one touch mechanics. Now releasing its 5th Android, 2nd iOS game Light the Sea.